1. Blog recurrently. This is a very important factor that determines how successful you can be in driving traffic to your website through blogging. You must blog at least once per day. Serious internet marketers who make six figure incomes on-line blog numerous times per day. You must constantly add new, useful and captivating subject matter on your website so that you can keep readers coming back for more. By doing this, your online business blog will rank high on search engines, which will boost traffic to your website. The more you blog, the more you enhance your visibility and position on search engines. You can write your blog posts in advance and save them and then just make sure that you broadcast them on your blog daily
2. Invite people with websites and blogs that are related to your online business and that have high popularity rank (PR) to exchange links with you. Links to websites with high PR on your blog will help you when Google indexes and ranks your page. The more high PR sites that are linked to you through your blog, the more probability of you getting high PR for your website and blog.
3. Monetize your blog and amplify the chances of you making money from your blog. You can make money from your online home business blog through affiliate programs. What you need to do is to simply place affiliate products’ names in your blog posts and hyperlink them to direct readers to the product. Every time someone clicks on the link and purchases a product, you make money! You can use your blog to promote your own products and as well as affiliate products.
4. You must know all your keywords and use them in your blog posts. The secret to successful blogging is making sure that all your blog posts are rich with your keywords and phrases. Don’t just write blog posts without including your keywords and phrases. Keyword-rich blog posts will boost your site’s ranking for your online business niche or topic keywords.
5. Ping your blog with
Use the five ways outlined above to increase your online income. Start blogging for additional profits now!
Article Master Series Version 3
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